
Hollar Seeds is a family owned business that has specialized in the breeding and development of cucurbits since 1950.

medium_VicandAndyWhat does this mean to you? This means that when you buy one of our products, you are buying from a family owned, American company that is a specialist in our field, and has been for some time. It means that we have a tradition of quality, customer service, and ingenuity that has been passed on from generation to generation.

When Vic founded Hollar Seeds, he instilled a code that he passed on to his sons, and they eventually passed it on to the third generation:

  • Produce good seeds, well cleaned, well packaged, and delivered timely.
  • Sell seed at a competitive price that allows for continued research and development.
  • Search for ways to improve our seed and service.
  • Be honest with farmer growers in contracting, milling and paying. Get the best growers we can.
  • Give our customers what they need and what they want. Help them make a profit.
  • Be demanding of the people we hire. Find good ones and stay with them.
  • Be aware that change will come and it is necessary.

Today Hollar Seeds continues to progress into a leading developer of professional grade varieties while maintaining Vic’s code of excellence.